Deputy minority leader of Northern Youth Parliament makes a passionate appeal to the youth to end vigilantism in the country.

Mohammed Awal deputy minority leader N.Y.P

As youth, we are pioneers to champion development for our motherland(Ghana), youth are the citizen who contribute for the retardation of a country's development. Let's not be seen as youth who would contribute to the retardation of our country's development but we should be seen as youth who would bring collective effort to ensure that the tenet of democracy, rule of law and principle of constitutionalism of the country are being upheld and embraced to ensure a fruitful economic movement in the country. That is why Northen Youth Parliament (N.Y.P) as a concern youth organisation found themselves in painstaking in other to ensure that the youth realise the role they have to play in their country's development, not withstanding the Northen Youth Parliament is embarking on a walk "Walk against political vigilantism" which will be able to help the organisation send a signal to the political parties, youth wings and the entire populace within the country.

 The youth have important role in the country development than to be served as political watch dogs, lets act as concerned youth activists to team up with N.Y.P to send a signal to the political party that we the youth would not be used as political hoodlum, hooligan, minx, knave, pixie and buffoons by our political leaders, but rather youth who possess sense of significance to innate development project for our motherland (Ghana) than to be political watch dogs.

I hereby call on the youth activists within the country to help N.Y.P haul the message of vigilantism to our dear and concern citizen in the country. Our country Ghana needs a concern youth activists who would serve as biblical pilate to help wash away political vigilantism, and the youth wings should contain vibrant youth activist that will avail their working operation and commitment to uplift the flag of our country Ghana.

Vigilantism is not a profession that will help the youth to fix the broken for the betterment of our country but a platform that will soil the reputation of we the youth in the country, we are the youth who possesses undisputable knowledge and potentials that will help revamp the industries and factories within the country for the betterment of we the youth activists and all the populace as a whole. My fellow youth activists " Political Vigilantism" is a menace which is in to cripple our nation but before then the youth will show the country that we will not bow down to fear, w e will fight back and that we will proceed until vigilantism is a thing of the past. Lets wear off our party colours in order to team up with N.Y.P to send a signal to the politicians that the youth is far beyond as serving as  political watch dogs (Vigilantise), I hereby again entreat the youth wings within the country that we should embrace democracy rule of law in order to uplift and strengthen the legal standard in our country (Ghana), not withstanding the youth should display their working operation and unflitching support at our country disposal in order to aid the betterment of Her citizen. N.Y.P is calling on the concern youth wings and the political parties to avail their unflitching support to endorse the walk "Against political vigilantism" which will be coming off 6th July 2019.

Peace is the key factor that contribute for a country development, and peace cannnot be externally imposed, it must come from within. We as a concern youth activists formss the back-bone of peace in the country. It wouldn't speak well of  as a youth to deform peace in the country because peace is the back-bone that will help to fascilitate and uplift development in the country. I am personally entreating my youth colleagues that we should come all out to embrace the event "Walk political vigilantism" and N.Y.P to smoke the peace pipe in oder to wash away political vigilantism in our motherland (Ghana).

 Lets serve as concern citizen that will affect many populace positively, lets be citizen who will truly share our afflictions with our beloved people in the country and youth who will be able to right the wrong of our politicians who thinks the youth has no role to play for the country's development but then to serve as political watch dogs.

Libeartion is what the people of our beloved country (Ghana) want, so this is a call which serves as a signal to we the youth that it is enkumbent on us to work hard to restore liberation and bring hope to the hopeless. I am again calling on the rulling president togetther with his cabinets and the vulnerable in the society and country at large to endorse the walk and help N.Y.P send a signal of political vigilantism to our dear people in our beloved country (Ghana).

 In conclusion,  as youth we should fight back in order to strengthen the youth bodies and the enacted laws and rules governing our country for the peaceful moment of our country economy  and development for beloved populace ,and I here by pledge my full suppoort  to champion the event "Walk against Political Vigilantism" ,and not withstanding  N.Y.P is calling on the concern youth activist to help the organisation embrace the walk and to help wash away political vigilantism in our dear country .May the almighty Allah shower his unrivaled blessing on our country(GHANA) ,and make the nation great and strong

Long Live Northen Youth Parliament (N.Y.P)
Long Live Northen Region
Long Live Ghana

 Mohammed Awal
(Deputy Minority Leader)


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