Oh Ghana - how our leaders are making the youth unemployed and suffering

Adams Majid Owusu

Episode one ☝🏻 

In this country (Ghana) politicians view our encouragement of work and enthusiasm as a promotion of selfishness-overlooking the true meaning of faithfulness and its underlying benefits that motivate our diligence. Why is it that the state of our country today has put us in the state of ennui, is it that the leadership of this country is fretting?

I believe at the end of my story we will all know how the country is bleeding and how the actions of politicians can be foiled by our prolific attitude.

Now, let me escape from being loquacious and start putting my facts on paper, by first comparing our country to some countries in the world. Below are some non-democratic states in which political power is concentrated within a single political party whose operations are largely fused with the government hierarchy: Vietnam, Cuba, Syria, Laos e.t.c.

In addition these are the countries also having full presidential systems, the president being both head of state and head of government: Brazil, Colombia, *Ghana*, Tunisia, America, Republic of Korea etc. In conclusion, Germany too doesn’t have a president either, it has a chancellor as a head of Government.

One might be a bit skeptical by now as to why I suddenly swerve to pen down these countries, if you are in that state sigh no more.

To begin with, among the listed countries having president as both head of state and head of government, Ghana is the poorest in terms of economic management, even non democratic states with single political parties are performing better than Ghana who has multi party-democratic system, and having one political party being in check by critics from other parties when in power. Why won’t we if;

we are in a country whose politicians always live to struggle for power for their personal interest, we are in a country whose constitution stands to defend the rich and punish the poor, we are in a country with no servile politician.
I don’t want to believe our country should adopt the Germany style of government to become a developed country.

However, when our politicians are campaigning, they visit most of the remote areas to convince the people there not only with their policies but with what I call “chicken change” to win their votes; yes we are also part of the problem.

But when they win, they begin their luxurious life in the capital city and have most of their developmental projects too over there and the other cities in the country, forgetting that we have  provincials in the country. I always wonder if these politicians have access with the very social studies book they brought to us in Senior High Schools having a theory in it called “Abraham Maslow’s theory of needs” which states clearly that, in life physiological needs are the first things to ask for before; safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs and finally self actualisation needs. Perhaps when they are given the mandate they don’t provide us with our physiological needs in any form rather non reliable needs and they themselves fight for self actualisation.

This action always baffles my mind to an extend that when I see the youth even jumping around with these same politicians who have nothing good to offer them. In fact I see it as a frivolity. Yes the youth of this nation can stand together and treat the actions of our politicians unwanted before we become fogged.
We are tired of who-you-know-syndrome but ready to welcome “who-is-qualified-syndrome “. this bad attitude from our bigwigs is budding the minds of the youth.


Episode two ✌🏽

Today is another day God has given us. Ghana we are grateful to God-I must say, but the leaders of this country are not making us appreciate the good things God has given us.

In my first episode I explained how politicians downplay the bitter excruciating times we go through to making sure we put something on the table for our families.

To begin with this episode let us first look at our GDP and how inflations always occur.

GDP is equal to private consumption + gross investment + government investment + government spending + (exports - imports). Remember: government spendings are all inclusive.

As at 2017 our GDP growth was 6.9% which constitutes $47.33 billion and 2018f our GDP increased to 7.3% constituting $145.768 billion indicating that, there was a fast economic growth.
But before I talk about how our politicians are misusing these monies, let me first brief you on inflation; we all know inflation measures the percentage change in purchasing power of a particular currency, in other words it means a sustainable increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.

In general, why is it that we generate a lot of money in the system and still have inflation going up?
the answer is simple; we are entertaining too much create-loot-and-share in our system, and also the system is very weak to check;
the flaws of these politicians, and the deleterious acts of our political leaders.
When politicians are given the mandate they claim they serve us, but ‘NO’ they deploy ways of embezzling our funds to build houses for themselves, travel to the world and later come back to insult us that ‘we are lazy’.
How can the country develop when;

the minister of education has no knowledge in education, minister of health knows nothing about health or hasn’t been a health practitioner before, minister of energy has no idea on how the energy sector operates, the minister of youth and sports is only interested in sports instead of it being commensurate with respect to time.
In all I mean, how can the country develop when our ministers are not placed at their respective qualified fields and leave the other positions for the qualified ones.

Now in Ghana if you are a graduate, well qualified and you are looking for a job, you will have to first visit a bigwig of a political party to lead you or better still give you a cover letter to secure you the job but not with your certificate. Due to that I think there is a need to then introduce political lobbying in our tertiary institutions as a program instead of the programs we are studying now, if that’s what we prefer.

Our politicians have the idea but they don’t implement it whenever they are given the mandate. I believe they conflate their personal interest and selfishness, that’s why the country is in this state. The country today is not comely at all because the natural resources we boast of have now turned to be political resources.

The youth of this country should wise up and  let’s put unscrupulous politicians in the state of beleaguer. “YES” because the developed countries we see today were built by the youth  but not quinquagenarians (50 and 59 year old people) nor septuagenarian ( 70 and 79 year old people).

Let me keep a focal point of admiration to sluggish down my bubbling enthusiasm for knowing all these scandals. moreover, let me take you back to how politicians misuse the money we generate in this country; No politician is richer than Ghana-one thing we should all keep note of, so therefore we shouldn’t allow them to dissemble as that much.

however, when politicians are far behind the political throne they develop keen interest for the money, having had that in mind they think of “Let me go and make myself rich”. Upon all that we do for them as a country they appreciate not and they begin to strategise a way to send their relatives abroad, bring forth ghost projects for huge sums of money , buy luxurious cars and houses, open bank account abroad with the very money we generate here and later make life uncomfortable for ordinary Ghanaians who have no one to speak on their behalf.

Perhaps, the media which suppose to be the mouthpiece of less privileged, have become nonchalance.

Go naked and the media will make you popular, keep geek the media will invite you, insult your leaders; do something ‘soppy’ and the media will invite you and make you a super star. All these are unnecessary to help a nation develop. very true that most of our celebrities cannot also stand to speak for us because they used a wrong channel in becoming celebrities, of course the media is part of the problem today so they should stop being on the necks of politicians. The youths today are involving themselves into bad acts because they know that’s the only way the media will invite them and give them the name, but when you share your innovative projects or write to them, they will give you excuses- ‘YES’ they are waiting for you to rape someone rather, they are waiting for you to go naked before they invite you.

Of course the media know our problems but they wait for it to get out of control before they come out with cameras  to get more views for money. So if the media is only interested in money what makes it wrong for politicians to search for the same money?

Besides they also have family to take care of.  The media should keep mute if they can’t help the course.

Why can’t we protect what our grandparents toiled to build for us, so if the media and the politicians  are not helping and the youths are also reluctant to act then it defies the expression that the country can develop.

BY: Adams Majid Owusu

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