Spoken Word about Mothers: My Mother

“We have enjoined on Man kindness towards his parents; in pain did his mother bear him and in pain did she give him birth.” (46:15)

This verse clearly states the struggles mothers must bear during the birth of a child. It is not easy to carry a baby in your womb for 9 months of gestation but Mothers do and this is something all believers must be grateful for. Gratitude can simply be shown through the utterance of kind words and display of care and affection towards one’s Mother.

It has been narrated that the Holy Prophet PBUH is known to have said the following Hadith, “Your heaven lies under the feet of your Mother.”

This Hadith beautifully explains in simple terms what the position of Mothers in Islam is all about. There is no greater reward than that of Paradise and it lies beneath the feet of your Mother.

Another Hadith declared by the Holy Prophet, “God has forbidden you to be undutiful to your mothers.”

 By this Hadith, we come to the realization that ALLAH forbids unlawful and rude behavior towards Mothers.

We have enjoined on man and woman kindness to parents; but if they (either of them) strive (to force) thee to join with me anything of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not'” (29:8).

This verse in the Holy Quran again declares believers of their rightful duty of serving their parents with the utmost respect and kindness. Only in those circumstances should believers avoid their parents if they commit the sin of associating partners with ALLAH.

As can be observed from above, the role of Mothers in Islam cannot be stressed upon enough. The struggles, duties, pain, and sacrifices made by Mothers are uncountable. It is the duty of every Muslim to care, protect, and treat their Mothers with the utmost honor, care, and dignity. Only then can they expect to achieve a place in the Paradise above.

Muhibudeen Yakubu also added his voice with a write up:

Since some people have negative views about how Islam views women, those people may not know that mothers specifically and parents, in general, are held in very high esteem in the faith. There are verses in the Quran and hadith that emphasize the burdens that a mother carries and the respect that should be accorded to he, One can never deny what a mother does for her children, and that is the reason Allah has put paradise beneath her feet. 

Respect your mother and love her with all your heart, and that is the most accessible door to paradise, no doubt. A mother no matter how educated or uneducated, she is the best teacher of all time. She has seen the ups and downs of life and know’s what is right and wrong for her kids. 

So one must consider her opinion before taking any step in life. When a girl becomes a mother, she leaves behind her world, where she was once the princess of her father and brothers. She steps into an entirely new universe that only revolves around her children. Whatever she does, she tries her best that it is in the best interest of them, no matter how hard it is for herself.

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