IS IT 2016/2017 OR 2017/2018?, HON. JARAH SHOULD ANSWER

                                              IS IT 2016/2017 OR 2017/2018?
                                              HON. JARAH SHOULD  ANSWER

"In the past, structures that were supposed to help check corruption such as the Audit Committee and the General Assembly(G.A) and to create an atmosphere of accountability, transparency and probity, were not effective and efficient probably due to some narrow interest of our leaders"...
"I will in my tenure of office allow these structures especially the Audit Committee to function just as it has been stipulated to work by the constitution"
I hope you still remember these words very well. This was your campaign message to the student body during the electioneering period on which you were voted in as the SRC PRESIDENT.
Mr President, you and I undoubtedly believe that a self check of accountability lies in the arms of transparency and openness and transparency is a mark of a tone leader. A speech that was delivered by "your very good self" at the second S.R.C GENERAL ASSEMBLY meeting, you clearly spell out expressly all assets handed over to you by the previous administration and if you will agree with me, your speech did not capture and included souvenirs. SO WHY THEN ARE WE BEING SERVED WITH SOUVENIRS FROM THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION?
Did you in anyway mislead the GENERAL ASSEMBLY?
Was that a deceit to the highest decision making body of the S.R.C?
Please educate me on how we look from the heights of the Presidency that makes you misrepresent yourself in this way without any remorse.
Shouldn't the fact that you didn't consider it empirical to explain to us the reason why we are served with the previous administration's souvenirs cause us to be alarmed?
Mr President I will again invite you to educate us on what we should do with faulty flash drives. Unless your office would tell me and my colleagues that, it is unaware that the flash drives are not working, which I still would consider as an indictment on your reputation, it is completely unwise to have gone ahead to share them to us, while you could have just dispose them off. This is with no sense and a total disrespect from you and your office. Our sense on judgment and intelligence has been insulted by you and your office.
Your Excellency, I witnessed cases of students being turned down from verifying their registered courses because of their non payment of the souvenirs. The trauma they had to endure before they could get money to pay is another matter and after this gets low quality. Please where is your conscience?
Have we gotten value for our money? We paid for new quality souvenirs and not old ones.
Mr President, oral tradition did inform us of one very fine gentleman who stood to ensure and defend student's interest, has that quality vanish all of a sudden?
It is recorded that during your first year in this school, you petitioned the Vice Dean of Students because the then S.R.C President delayed in supplying your souvenirs. Today, you find absolutely nothing wrong with distributing faulty flash drives and old T-shirts. If this had
happened to you those days, am sure you would have petitioned the Vice Chancellor or the Minister for Education by now. He who seeks equity must come with clean hands. We deserve value for money and due diligence from our leaders. It will be fair for me to say that the atmosphere of accountability, transparency and probity is not effective and efficient probably because of the narrow interest of our leaders.
Your Excellency, we are calling on you to as a matter of urgency   halt the distribution and address the numerous concerns that are being raised.
I shall like to end with this quote from Bob Marley "money is numbers and numbers never end, if it takes money to be happy, then your search for happiness will never end".

article by; Sillim Philemon
                 SSCE L100
  Ayubadailies has been granted permission by the writer to publish this article.

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