BY: Zuma Isaac

I have never taken up the stand and  for one moment, the position to arrogate unto myself the monopoly of wisdom neither do I claim expertise on Council related issues, Whatever is tabled in this blog represent my  thoughts and  ideas which are well informed by certain realities and actual conditions existing on the grounds which might not be true necessarily, but they constitute my opinion.

It's a source of great concern for anyone with the same conscience who have critically looked at the status-quo, the most pernicious today. How long shall we continue to pretend not to know the obvious, according to the simple logic detected by our situation, it is expedient we sensitize ourselves of the realities of the day, so we can defend our Council  fearlessly and rigorously with the weapons of war.Has the bread and butter issues, arrogance, ignorance, hypocrisy, negligence, pride and hatred having an adverse effect on us? Are there  strange forces that dictates the fate of our Council? 


 Despite the admitted commitments of successive administrations, there had been almost always a failure in the realisation of the very stated objectives of these administrations, the acute shortfall can to some measurable extent be ascribed to the manipulation of consistent dictations of invisible minds in subtle and devilish way, reducing the block and the enormous weight of our Councils’ prestige and its leadership to mere chimney sweepers. It is a fact, getting a project done during a tenure is as difficult as getting as a snow in hell, what is the reason for that?. Why will major stakeholders of an institution’s wings be trimmed in a desperate efforts and impose on our  Council the bitter fruit of failure. I hold no ideological position which dictates that, student leaders represent the interest of the these invincible and invisible dictators but the horrors of the status-quo have not helped our Council a great deal. Raymond Otivi was passionate as he was eloquent but what happened to the fire breathing revolution we all anticipated on Navrongo Campus with all the media attentions?

One principal struggle that needs to be conducted fiercely is our electoral process. It is immoral and an act of treason against the people and against our own conscience to hide behind the pride of self preservation and stand still as we see our dear constitution reduced to a story book. We must stand persistent in our resolve to start thinking not only outside the box but without the box itself precisely because the box shouldn't even be our reference point. Bringing clarity to target, why will a University' with a formidable and enormous resources but its electoral process remain manual or elect its officers through the ballot papers and boxes, while our Students' Council with less resources, shrinking  and bleeding coffers elect our leaders through E-voting which is more expensive as compare to the ballot boxes. Am not supporting mediocrity neither do I succumb to tradition and oppose the dynamics in technology but the question is, do we have the  financial muscles and the  prestige enough to take that direction?, how long shall we continue to ignore prudence which remain the threshold out of most challenges we face  as a Council?. Is there any way we can get out of this stalemate?


 The first coup attempt happened in perfection, heaven, where there was no fault. It means there are crop of people who takes pride in frivolous developments and will always find fault, seek to disrupt a perfect and  spotless system, Lucifer and his hosts were running in a row trying to suggest and lecture God what to do, even the Almighty God had critics in his own abode, how much more here?, we must be acutely conscious, the perpetrators of that coup were expelled, they now live with humanity, some are here with us even in the university community as very dangerous plagues, the horrors of disruptive, frivolous and childish criticisms will be served daily. But I hold the view, impunity must not be tolerated, constructive criticism with alternatives and suggestions should be kept and maintained precisely because they remind leaders their obligations. It is when we sufficiently annoy ourselves with constructive criticism, that is when we can canalise that anger into dividend yielding actions by creating our own moments.  On the other hand are the so-called fire breathing student revolutionists, devilish, attention seekers, student terrorists, intellectual adolescents and political oppositions who have styled  themselves activists and concern students always capitalizing on trivial issues with destructive political lenses, people who are merely  exercising their freedom of speech, that will not help our dear Council a great deal in terms of stability. “He who is without sin should cast the first stone”

I dare say, the grounds has been given to student leaders but the jewels of the grounds still remain in the hands of the  invisible minds and hands whose stated objectives most at times outweighs that of the student populace, as part of bread and butter issues, our Council has experienced instances where some student leaders are seen doing the biding of their masters to the detriment of the populace. Going forward, it did not lost on me, when I was asked, "who actually influences decisions”? But we cannot also continue to point accusing fingers, keep on lamenting and still remain in the prisons of sorrows and lamentations, nothing is inevitable, human beings make history, I believe if prudence prevail can prevent the bully, the fastings and prayers that we must do is to recognize the importance in rallying  massively behind our constitution, form a solid phalanx, support our leaders, resist the dictations, the interest of the masses of the people must be recognized paramount in the boardroom and council sittings, talk is cheap but it is practically possible and realizable, it takes think-tanks, it takes prudence, foresight, humanitarianism,mutual confidence,not being childish and pure and simple, one cognitive transformation.

Thank you for the attention accorded my simple message🤓




Amaglo Isaac (Zuma)
 B.Ed Social Science 400

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