Skopatumana in the dictionary soon.

We might just be seeing the word ” Skopatumana in the dictionary soon. has given the meaning to the Patapeezy originated word on its’ official website. In February, the Swedru-based musician released another rap verse in a song called Daavi, which took over the internet with the #SkopatumanaChallenge! Long after the challenge died down, Twitter users found a new way of keeping the word alive and got it popular all over the world again.
With many wondering what the word stands, has offered a simple meaning to the word.
“Sco pa tu mana is a nonsense phrase made popular by a rap by the Ghanaian musician Patapaa. The phrase inspired the Skopatumana Challenge, where people post videos of themselves rapping Patapaa’s lyrics.”

Patapaa in an interview explained the word “Skopatumana” was inspired by the Holy Spirit and has no actual meaning and only came to him through the gift of tongues.

  1.  Source; AMEYAWDEBRAH

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