During World War II, British Army Officer, Eric Lomax was a prisoner of war at the Death Valley, a railroad between Burma and Thailand built by Japan using the sweat and blood of prisoners like Lomax and civilians. It’s estimated about 83,000 people died constructing the Death Valley. There, Lomax met ruthless tormentor, Nagase Takashi. When the war ended, for five decades, Eric Lomax hunted his nemesis seeking vengeance, with an intention to take Takashi’s life, however, when he located his enemy, in a sudden twist, Lomax forgave Nagase, they became close friends. It turned out they had a lot in common.
In what seems like a “Lomax forgives Takeshi affair”, two musical archenemies Shatta Wale and Stonebwoy (first, considered to be the devil and the latter, an angel) pushed by the media, fans and certain people to rip each other’s throat have just realized they have a lot in common - they love dancehall and would do whatever necessary to build a sustainable brand. A peaceful solution to end years of conflict between the two seemed impossible until few days back when they shocked everyone with the unexpected, they smoked the peace joint.
Recently, Stonebwoy was at the Tomorrow’s Leaders Festival organized by legendary Jamaican Reggae family, Morgan Heritage in Kenya, which according to reports, was nothing to smile about.  The show has been described as “Shambolic” and its alleged organizers refused to make payments to artistes billed to perform amidst claims that some of the artistes were kicked out and locked in their hotels for non-payment of bills. Whilst bloggers in Kenya are lashing out at the organizers of the show, in Ghana, Stonebwoy is a target for mockery, to an extent he threatened to sue bloggers.
Out of the blue, Shatta Wale pulled a surprise none expected. He wrote passionate words of encouragement to his former adversary: “You did what you have to do to promote Ghana, I am proud of you bro, no matter what we do they will talk, so let’s keep them talking whilst we count the blocks. Love you bro.” Well, guess this is a testimony that the calm between the two would last very long, as said, “Whenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer them with love”. Shatta Wale has three faces, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly... at the moment, the Good has come home.


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