To the Electoral Commissioner Business Students Association UDS Wa Campus

Mr. commissioner I bring greetings and wish you a happy new year, this is my candid letter to you which I believe would aid you in the upcoming BUSA elections as you take measures to avoid hitches during and after the election process, I have also explain the general meaning of an election body and it function which I believe would broaden the knowledge of the various aspirants around your jurisdiction.

An election commission is a body charged with overseeing the implementation of election procedures. The formal names vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and may be styled with different names like the electoral commission, electoral court or electoral court. The election commission has a duty to perform election related activities in an orderly manner, any election problems are handle solely by the election commission.

I know Mr. Commissioner you are very much aware of your independent, for the purpose of reminder I reiterate the independent model; in the independent model the election commission is independent of the executive and manages it own budget. Independence of the election commission is constitutionally guaranteed in the BUSA Constitution. The election commission can implement the code of conduct and punish any candidate guilty of breaking or violating any rule
BUSA like any other student union represent fellow students and carry out activities to the betterment of the student populace, it is with this that I urge the commissioner to learn from his predecessors though few hitches were recorded in the past elections.

 Mr. commissioner execute your task to the fullest, it is expected of some aspirants to accuse you of rigging the election in favour of a candidates, it all part of election process and you can choose to take action to serve as warning to other candidates yet to contest to be mindful of whatever they say, after a successful conduct of various course representatives election in a scale of 1-9 I would rate you 7, i also trust and believe  in you and hope you will execute your mandate according to BUSA constitution.
“The one sure way of participating in the process of nation – building is to vote on the Election Day” – Mohit hauhan

Bukari Ayuba
Manager - Ayubadailyonline

Disclaimer; The above information represent the views and opinions of Bukari Ayuba  and not necessarily the views of

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