Memory Verse: James 1:19-20 New International Version (NIV)
"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires."
It is said that there is a contrast between Hearing and Listening. When someone speaks to us, we either hear what the person is saying or rather listen to the person. In the passage above, James is admonishing us not to only hear what someone is saying to us in a conversation, but rather go a step further to listen to what the person is saying. He said we should be quick to listen and slow to speak. When this is carefully understood and practiced, we realize that we hardly become angry baggage of every little conversation.
Here are 5 keys to developing the craft of Listening,
1. You need to pay close attention to the speaker's words, tone, and style to get a handle on the superior understanding of the concept within the context.
2. Exercise patience and tolerance when a speaker is communicating to maintain a strategic distance away from environmental distractions and misunderstanding.
3. Try not to interrupt a speaker with a question until the point has been made clear. Know when to ask a question.
4. In crucial and emotional cases, try as much as you can to empathize or identify with the speaker to maximize proper understanding and intuition.
5. Admit to yourself you know nothing in order to pave way for acquiring knowledge or astuteness through listening.
Listening is paramount to a successful and peaceful life in light of the fact of that, every relationship that is built on the art of listening brings forth fruit that gives glory to God.
Be a good listener today.
Remain blessed.
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