Help build a better community-Sang District, N/R

Life is very precious, God gives and takes but we as human are responsible for the maintenance of the life given, this can be done with assistance from each and every person in society not the government, though it is responsible for taking care of the people as a duty to the state. During election periods politicians goes to places that they do not even know to seek their support to win power and they make a lot promises to these people but fulfilment becomes a problem when they are given the mandate.
I believe that as Ghanaians we should help each other rather than relying on these people to help us though in recent times, the government of our motherland Ghana has been doing a lot to take care of the social needs of its people but it is still not a enough, that is why the levis Mawuli foundation is established to do, members of the foundation goes to places that are not been shared with the national cake of health facility to get their problem and try it possible way to help them though our voices may not go far but at least we have tried in helping our society and mother Ghana.
Still touring Sang district in the Northern region, the team visited the Sang Health Center to see and testify what the people of Sang district said, on getting to the facility, a team member asked whether we are lost because the building which we were showed as the health facility looks like a 20-year abundant house. The paint which was used to write the name of the health facility on the wall has faded that one ca not tell whether it has ever been renovated or not the back of the building is weak and with the look of this it is near collapse.

Sang district health facility
Sang District health facility                                              

The team asked the staff to show us their counselling room and record keeping and to our surprise, it has no ceiling, with electric wires on the roofing wood, windows has it glasses broken down and the temperature of the room not suitable for counselling or removal of folders, Nurses fear whenever the facility gets crowded 
and they have to look thoroughly to bring folder, Especially during the dry season.

record  keeping

Sang district counselling room                                      
In emergency cases, only God knows how they manage to get the person out of the community to a referral center, the road is in a bad shape with the community lacking an ambulance, drivers charge passengers more that their expected to pay with an excuse that the road is not good and their cars get spoiled most often. The people of this village who cannot afford sometimes rely on herbal medicine for survivals and some do die on their way because of delay in getting assistance as whether mother loose babies in this facility we cannot tell as it was not even to us but some of the natives did confirm to us that mother lose their babies when it gets complicated.
It is our prayer and hope that Ghanaians will come on board to assist the people in one way or the other, The Levis Mawuli Foundation is therefore calling on philanthropist and any person to come on board as the foundation seeks to build a better community with the little it has.

  Author; Azuraa Bukari Ayuba

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